Posted 23rd May 2022 by Kerry Thompson
Looking after your WAV can really pay off!
3 minutes read time
Looking after your WAV can help you qualify for ‘good condition bonus’ payment from the Motability Scheme.
By Kerry Thompson
Like most things in life the novelty wears off. It may take a few months or years but you slowly take less and less care – in the beginning everything is spic and span, there’s car rules – no eats or rubbish aloud. The hoover is out once a week and your local the car wash sees you one a month.
The thing is maintaining your WAV (wheelchair accessible vehicle) in pretty good condition will benefit you in the long run. Efficiency for one and it will help when the time comes to hand back your Motability vehicle back at the end of your lease, because you might qualify for the ‘good condition bonus’ payment from the Motability Scheme. The same theory would work if you own your WAV when it came to selling.
Now, this being my first WAV i’m very much in the honeymoon period still. And If your anything like me one speck of dust or dirt my WAV needs a clean! – I’ve managed to pick up these simple little but very important tips that I thought I would share with you.
Basic maintenance might seem ‘basic’ – but it’s the basics that are the most important. Ensuring your WAV has it’s yearly MOT test and Service. Making sure these are carried out by a professional garage on time, if your unsure always ask try giving the company that provided your wheelchair accessible vehicle for instance mine would be GM Coachwork. Don’t forget it’s also important to check oil, water, brakes, tyre pressure, fluid levels and if you have a diesel always make sure to check your Adblue.
Once you get into a routine of checking these things on a regular basis, this ensures any problems or wear and tear are resolved as soon as possible. Although I’m not physically able to carry out these checks out myself on my WAV, I am still very much responsible for ensuring my insured drivers do so.
Washing your WAV is in fact very important. By keeping the vehicle clean inside and outside this ensures it remains in great condition and protects against any damage to the paintwork. Some of the main causes come from Road salt, Snow, Acid rain, The sun and bird poop believe it or not.
One thing about me is I have individual folders for all my paperwork! Keeping all the paperwork for your WAV in one safe place so it’s easy to find and grab. This is especially handy when it’s time to renew your lease or service, MOT.
It’s important to always have any emergency contact numbers for breakdowns and tyre repairs in your WAV and phone. Planning for unexpected or ‘what if’s’ is alway a good thing. It’s better to be prepared than not!
It’s a no brainier that seatbelts are vital when travelling in any vehicle and the same goes for wheelchairs too. Wheelchairs must be secured at all times once inside your WAV. Wheelchair restraints ensure your wheelchair is safely tied down to prevent accidents like sliding. It’s important to clean the restraints regularly as dirt can build-up and affect the way they are meant to work. That will only lead to faults. Checking for signs of wear and tear and replace the belts if they are becoming damaged.
Ramps are the essential part of a wheelchair accessible vehicle it’s what makes the vehicle a WAV, it’s vital that the ramp is kept in excellent working condition. Otherwise, it will become redundant and we definitely don’t want that.
Depending on the type of WAV you have that suits your needs, the ramp may be manually operated or electric. Both should be checked regularly for any damage, wear or tear, dirt build-up, faults and oiled as required.
Well I’m off to delegate a few WAV checks I hope these have helped you – Please leave some of your own tips on how to look after a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) because sharing is caring!