Posted 18th Jan 2022 by Kerry Thompson
New Year, New Possibilities
2 minutes read time
Disability Blogger, Kerry Thompson is planning her new years adventures, only made possible with her new WAV!
The festive season is behind us and a new year before us, now is the time I love to plan to create new memories for 2022. We have months ahead that are full of potential. With the potential to experience something i have been curious to try; but never the opportunity.
It’s been 4 months since my fabulous WAV Ford Quantum ‘Sheila’ arrived. And with a whole year to plan I’m super excited. If anything has taught me being disabled planning is key and I have become a master planner and list maker.
I am excited to get my thinking hat on. To make a list of all the possibilities I can now experience. It doesn’t matter what age you are, the level of excitement when you experience new things that you may not of had the opportunity to do because of the lack of accessibility. Whether that’s access to a building or not having the transport that means your needs making new memories is priceless.
February. I get to pack my bags, load up ‘Sheila’ with everything from my cough assist and CPAP plus my husband and out-laws. Everything but the kitchen sink! – For an overnight trip to Liverpool to the ITV National Diversity Awards. This will be my first big trip in my wheelchair accessible vehicle. And something I wouldn’t have got to experience if I didn’t have my WAV.
Liverpool I’m coming to say hi….
Another adventure I have been talking none stop about wanting to go on for years is the Harry Potter Studio tour. My husband’s Christmas present to me this year was ‘HARRY POTTER’ tickets. Yes, my wheels and me are so excited. All I have to do is decide when and what theme I want to go to.
Also on my list is of course my favourite subject Changing Places Toilets. I know it’s an odd subject to get my wheels all excited about, If you ask my husband and friends they will all tell you ‘Kerry doesn’t stop talking toilets’ I have also been nicknamed ‘Toilet Queen’ which I love – I have been campaigning for many year for more these facilities. So I want to document all of the facilities available on my adventures with a toilet selfie.
This year is going to be very different, in the past I have had to say no to so many different events, outings or days outwits family and friends because traveling has been difficult. I will of course always be safe and careful but I want to push myself out of my comfort zone because what’s the point in having the freedom of my Ford Custom Quantum that’s designed around my needs and just have it sat looking pretty in my carport.
What’s on your list?